Our wonderful Kyndal Irwin shows the Congress Avenue Bridge crowd a fallen juvenile Mexican free-tailed bat, as the humans protect their throats from imminent Vampire/Chupacabra attack!
Next time they will purchase our Kevlar throat protectors!
JUST KIDDING! These wonderful folks were actually WAY more worried about the little bat!

This crowd was treated to a very close look (no touching!) as Kyndal talked about all she has learned about these wonders of the world as an intern at Austin Bat Refuge.
The children especially were enchanted and looked up to Kyndal as if she were a fairy bat princess as she showed all the features of the little bat and described their delightful personalities.
This little bat was dehydrated and was brought back to the refuge for electrolyte therapy before release.
We love the variety of astonished looks as she cares for this pup!