As we approach the end of the calendar year, our first as an organization, we want to take the time to thank all the wonderful donors who have given of their time and money to help bats in trouble in Central Texas.

You prevented suffering for over 150 bats this year; a great majority of whom arrived due to human or human-related causes.  You gave these bats a second chance at a wild and free life.  Some had very serious injuries and did not survive, but you provided a safe and comfortable spot for all in which they could either recover or pass on in peace.

They all knew that someone cared.  You did.  Thank you!

If any of you had meant to donate, but wanted to see how the end-of-the-year tax situation played out, here is a worthy cause, an opportunity to show compassion for the little souls that make up a big part of our natural world here in urban Texas.

We’re so grateful for the support shown to our friends and allies, the bats!