Latest research shows that 3 out of 4 Mexican free-tailed bats found in Saver’s Thrift Store prefer the Halloween department over other parts of the store.  Even though bats have nothing to do with Halloween 😉 , they nonetheless provided holiday ambience as they hung decoratively up with the fake cobwebs up in the ceiling! The other was recovered from over the cash register area, so perhaps the last one was making sure they got paid for their advertising efforts!

They all were fine, just wondering why Savers keeps inviting them into the store and then freaking out about it. Humans!

Here are three of the four a few days later, ready to be released under Congress Avenue Bridge, as soon as F1 takes down the fences for their party at the bat-viewing area.
Austin bat presentations, talks, outreach, programs, education, Mexican free-tailed bat, Congress Avenue Bridge bats

While they were resting up for their release, an immature Texas rat snake curled up under the roof tarp to stay dry and bask.  He was within a few inches of one of the boys and would have had him for lunch but for the netting in between them. Watch out you valiant little bats!

Here’s the rat snake getting relocated a few miles down the creek.

Here they are finally getting released at Congress Avenue Bridge after their circuitous adventure!
Austin bat presentations, education, outreach, talks, programs, rescue, rehabilitation
Austin bat presentations, outreach, programs, education, talks