This Mexican free-tailed pup was found 17July2016 under Congress Ave Bridge. This was the first day the skypuppies took flight this year and it seems a mid-air collision grounded him on the footpath. Bat watchers correctly refrained from handling him and when they alerted us, we brought him back to our facility for care. We discovered that his forearm was curved in a manner reminiscent of the arches of the bridge, so of course he was named Archie and we expected he would likely not become volant. To our delight, he was not to be denied the joys of flight! We left his pup tent open to the flight cage and he bravely joined all of this year’s pups in the aerial circus that resembles a nightly fighter jet dogfight. He also flits around in the afternoon gliding like a butterfly before cleverly finding his way back to the pup tent for snacks!
We will closely monitor his skills to see if he is up to the fall migration, if not he’ll stay with us and enjoy hunting moths in the bat garden. Good pup Archie!
![Archie 2](