This four-month old female was found on a bitter cold and wet morning hanging low on a door screen.
Great work by Wesley who contained her and brought her to us to warm up and rehydrate.
She is brand new here in the video and still bewildered by the strange turn of events.

Central Texas bats had left their roosts to forage on another warm night when the coldest mid-October norther for years swept into Central Texas.
We think she got wet, cold, and blown around, so she sought shelter anywhere she could.
She’s this year’s pup and her inexperience led her to roost in a vulnerable location.
A cat, dog, bird, or human could have harmed her, so Wesley brought her in for some TLC until it warms enough to release her near her cave.

When they are found in an exposed location, such as on the ground or on a wall just a foot or two above the ground, they are vulnerable to predators or fearful humans. This usually means something is wrong and when strong cold fronts move in, with strong winds and rain, that is often times all that is wrong. Simply moving them to a safe location is enough. Check out website’s Have You Found a Bat page.

What an amazing bat!
She is fierce and when she spreads her wings and opens her mouth, she is the most beautiful bat in town!
What a priviledge for us to get to help her out a little.