•             Bats in Austin do not have or spread SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19 in humans). SARSCoV-2 is not found in North American bat species at present.

•             Transmission of COVID-19 is from humans to other humans.

•             There are theoretical concerns about the possibility for transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to bats. Research is underway; until we know more, precautions to minimize the chance of North American bats of being exposed to SARS-CoV-2 are being taken. This is not unique to bats – there are also concerns of possible transmission from humans to other wildlife species, particularly mustelids, felids and canids.

•             Avoid handling live bats and any wildlife. If handling live bats cannot be avoided, follow recommendations about PPE to prevent spread of respiratory droplets – a face mask, thick gloves, etc.

  •              The concern is transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to bats, not vice versa, so handling dead bats is fine. Dead bats provide valuable information to bat biologists. To collect a dead bat, wear gloves, wrap in paper towel, and double bag in a Ziploc. Place on ice or in freezer until the bat can be retrieved. Avoid any skin contact to prevent rabies exposure and keep pets and children away.

Bat conservation and COVID-19

•             Many bat species have adapted to urban and rural environments, where they coexist safely with people. Ask us about living with bats safely.

•             It is important that bats and bat habitat not be destroyed because of unfounded fears over coronavirus transmission.

•             Bats in North America are in trouble from habitat loss and white-nose syndrome – at least two species in Texas have experienced sharp decline just this spring.

•             Bats are essential to our Texas ecosystems and economy. Nationwide, bats are estimated to provide $23 billion of natural pest control each year.

•             Killing bats would not have any effect on the spread of COVID-19, but would negatively affect bat populations, conservation efforts, and our economy.

Austin Bat Refuge would like to remind people we are here to answer your questions and collect reports on bat sightings, bat roosts, and dead bats.  Contact us at and 512-695-4116 or 512-799-8847.

(This post borrowed and modified from BC Community Bat Program)