Good-sized crowd – Great emergence at Congress Avenue Bridge. Even though they flew right about dark, they were backlit by the city lights and everyone down below got a great view!J
We love to watch the behavior of the bats while they are hunting. The top photo shows a red bat echolocating a moth above his head just before he loops up to attempt a capture. We’re not sure if he caught one this time, but the bottom photo shows him flying around with a moth he captured a few minutes before the top photo was taken. The photos are obviously out of focus, but they capture hunting behavior so well that we had to post them.
Free-tailed pup trying on his scary face for Halloween. We’re not buying it – still way cute!
Best Insta-replies?
From pink_1101floyd “Fire the lasers!”
From 747mandi “Game face!”
What fun to have Sara come and visit our flight cage! Sara is from Tokyo and studying abroad at the University of Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning in Buffalo, NY. She is writing a book on Architecture for Animals and came by our facility after visiting the Bat Tower in Comfort, TX.
We so enjoyed her visit! And we want to be first to purchase her new book on its way to the Bestseller List!
Here is Sara taking notes in our flight cage. What a beautiful language!
We are so grateful that she translated this for us! The first word in the second line is “bat” in Japanese. Sounds like “Comoro”?
Thank you for the visit, Sara! All the best to you! We look forward to following your career!
Look out world, The Class of 2017 is on the loose! Well, reds and evening bats, anyway.
Now that the heat of summer has passed and ponds and tanks are full, it’s a perfect time to get the pups out and let them establish territories before winter.
What fun to see the precocious pups bolt out immediately, followed by the mums, and watch as they circle back and coax out the others. After a half hour all were hunting the treetops, circling high above in the night sky!
Blessings little pups! We’ll miss you! Live long and make lots more baby bats!
Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone! We’re doing ok. The trees are still standing, although they looked as if they were in a washing machine for the last few days. The pups are doing fine. They seem to prefer their leaf umbrellas to the covered areas to which we continue to bring them. When they do fly, they get buffeted by the strong gusts and soon land, but they needed to learn about all this. The adults that shelter under leaves stay fluffed out, while the pups get wet and stay soaked, so it must be a learned behavior to shake off the rain and stay warm. We still have four more days of rain, so we’re not out of it yet, but at least the winds are easing off some. Rains are much worse to our southeast. Prayers for Houston. We’re ready to help with any bat fallout from trees and bridges.