Another great emergence at Congress Avenue Bridge!  Half the bats you see are pups that have only been flying for a week or two. Thanks to all who came by to visit at our info table!
Who says if sunlight hits them they burst into flames?  Apparently the just glow!

This eastern red pup is one of the four pups that Laurie rescued.  He was found with his mum on the ground near their house. They would all have died without her taking time from her busy day to care for this family in need. Thanks so much Laurie!

Here one of the boys catches a moth in his tail membrane. They are growing up and going from little fluff balls to bad-ass bug killing predators.

austin bat presentations education outreach rescue rehabilitation

This eastern red pup is working on her flight skills, hoping to become as accomplished as the mum in the background.
Many pups at this time of year simply flutter-putter around in a straight line as they circle the cage.
They need to emulate the adults amazing aerodynamics to successfully avoid predators upon release.

austin bat talks austin bat presentations easter red bats rescue rehabilitation release education

Andrea found Frito in an open stairwell, hiding from the grackles that were stalking him like a pack of velociraptors.
She called us and watched over him until we arrived, saving him from a tragic end.
He was not injured, just a little disoriented and is eating and flying well in the aviary.
Soon to be released.  Nice work Andrea!

These Eastern red bat pups find their mum each morning, even though only two are still nursing. Orphan Michelle on top right has adopted the family!
In the wild, when pups start wrestling , as pups will, birds (especially grackles and bluejays) take notice and attack them.  The mum is forced to fly off with all those heavy pups clinging to her. People  find the exhausted mum and her pups in a ball and bring them to us.  We give the pups a chance grow into self-sufficient young adults, hunting and drinking on the wing, before release, usually with a few weeks. What a privilege to get to share a bond with these amazing creatures, before they resume their wild and free lives!

Love this link from Bat Conservation Trust about How to Contain a Bat.
But here in Central Texas, call our Austin Bat Refuge Hotline at 512-695-4116 or 512-799-8847


Catching prey is only half the battle! Bats still have to curl & kick to subdue their catch while flying. This eastern red male still needs to refine his technique!

Sweet, early (8:33 pm) emergence at Congress Avenue Bridge last night.
Come visit us at the Austin Bat Refuge table on Friday nights this summer!